Drexel UHC Data Portal

UHC Data Portal Updates: OCT 2023 

UHC, October 26, 2023

The UHC Research and Data Core is actively working to expand which data from the repository are available; reach out to UHCdata@drexel.edu with any specific requests. All available data will be updated as possible by the UHC Research and Data Core.  

New Added Dataset  

• Tree Canopy for Contiguous US in years 2011, 2016, and 2019:

Tract average percent tree canopy was available on the UHC Data Poral for the metropolitan Philadelphia area. UHC R&D has updated this dataset to include the entire contiguous US. An additional year 2019 is now also available.

For the portal, we have focused on compiling tract measures of greenness for the contiguous US from the 30 m resolution National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD). Percent tree canopy and percent developed impervious are available for each 30 m by 30 m cell and the UHC calculated the mean of these cells for each census tract (Figure 1, Figure 2). Each cell is also assigned a land cover category and the UHC calculated percent of cells in categories considered green (e.g. forest, grassland) for each census tract (Figure 3). Average percent tree canopy and percent green are correlated, but a cell with a building surrounded by trees might be 50% tree canopy and classified as developed and not considered green. Average percent impervious and average percent tree canopy are inversely correlated (Figure 4).

Figure 1 : Philadelphia and vicinity average percent tree canopy by tract 2019

Figure 2: Philadelphia and vicinity average percent impervious by tract 2019

Figure 3: Philadelphia and vicinity percent green by tract 2019

Figure 4: Scatterplot Matrix Tract Greenness Measures 2019  Philadelphia Reading Camden Combined Statistical Area

UHC Data Portal Updates: Sep 2023

UHC, September 29, 2023

As part of its ongoing efforts, UHC Research and Data Core is working to expand the types of data available from its repository. Reach out to UHCdata@drexel.edu with any specific requests. To ensure the accuracy of all data, the UHC Research and Data Core will update it as soon as possible.

New Added Documentation

  • American Community survey Population 2016-2020 documentation is now available.
    The American Community Survey (ACS) administered by the US Census Bureau is a survey of randomly selected household across the US. The survey contains information about social, economic, housing, and demographic characteristics. The UHC has extracted population counts by sex, age, and race/ethnicity from the ACS data for the 5-year aggregate period of 2016-2020.
    You will find more information about ACS in this documentation recently uploaded to the UHC Data Portal.

Additional data available
Some of the UHC data has restricted access. Restricted data is not uploaded on the portal and requires signing a Data Use Agreement.
As an example, The UHC has gentrification from 1990 to 2000 and 2000 to 2010 that can be requested after completing a data use agreement. Click here to access the DUA. More data will be added as it becomes available.

UHC Data Portal Updates: Aug 2023

UHC, August 28, 2023

During the summer, UHC R&D Team focused primarily on Data Portal developments by adding new tags to datasets to make the platform more accessible and user-friendly. The portal has also been updated with new datasets.

  • New Dataset Added

•              Gentrification measures: Gentrification is a commonly discussed topic. There are no universally accepted definitions of gentrification. The UHC gentrification working group developed a measure that uses shifts in affordability and economics and classifies census tracts as ineligible to gentrify, not gentrified, gentrification, and intense gentrification. The gentrification measure included on the UHC Data Portal uses census tracts in the top 25th percentile of median household income as being ineligible to gentrify (recommended definition) and represents gentrification from 2010 to 2020.

•              More information about how the gentrification measure was created and background about gentrification, see the UHC Methods Brief “A MEASURE OF GENTRIFICATION FOR USE IN LONGITUDINAL PUBLIC HEALTH STUDIES IN THE US” ( https://drexel.edu/uhc/resources/briefs/Measure-of-Gentrification-for-Use-in-Longitudinal-Public-Health-Studies-in-the-US/ ).

Please note that UHC has gentrification from 1990 to 2000 and 2000 to 2010 that can be requested after completing a data use agreement. There are also definitions for “ineligible to gentrify” using the 50th (more conservative) and 10th (more liberal) percentiles for sensitivity analysis. E-mail UHCdata@drexel.edu for information about accessing additional data.

As part of its ongoing efforts, UHC Research and Data Core is working to expand the types of data available from its repository. Reach out to UHCdata@drexel.edu with any specific requests. To ensure the accuracy of all data, the UHC Research and Data Core will update it as soon as possible.

The Drexel Urban Health Collaborative Research and Data Core

The Core supports work that characterizes health in cities and conducts research on health determinants and the impact of policies. As part of its activities, the Core compiles data on health determinants and outcomes for the Philadelphia region. The Core houses data from over 50 data sources and more than 500,000 records. They are working to transfer some of these data to the portal. To get more information, please contact UHCData@drexel.edu.