UHC Data Portal Updates: June 2023
uhc, June 6, 2023
Links for Residential Segregation Measures Workshop available
The UHC Research and Data Core facilitated a workshop that aims to not only introduce researchers to the UHC Data Portal, but the workshop had a specific focus of presenting three commonly utilized residential segregation measures found in the Dissimilarity Index, the Gini Index, and the Index of Concentration at the Extremes. Workshop attendees were introduced to the three measures for the city of Philadelphia, as well as shown the importance of conducting exploratory spatial data analyses utilizing such data. Also, workshop attendees had an opportunity to have brief hands-on experiences in data access, analysis, and interpretation in a group-based setting. The link for this workshop is available for those who did not have a chance to attend.
Datasets used for the workshop are available on the portal and described below.
New resource sheet added to the data portal
New datasets
Not all of the data available in the UHC repository on this portal. Data added to the portal will be updated on a regular basis, based on ongoing projects, focusing on datasets that are useful for multiple projects. The following is a list of new datasets and updates that have been added to the portal over the last month.
- ZCTA 2020 Philadelphia Reading Camden CSA(CSV, GDB , SHP) and variable list.
2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) that overlap Philadelphia Reading Camden Combined Statistical Area or Mercer County NJ are available.
- ZCTA 2010 Philadelphia Reading Camden CSA (CSV, GDB , SHP) and variable list
2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) that overlap Philadelphia Reading Camden Combined Statistical Area or Mercer County NJ are available. PHL = 1 can be used to identify ZCTAs that fall inside Philadelphia.
- Average percent impervious National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) Contiguous US
Percent developed impervious surface at a 30 m resolution is available for the entire US from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). The UHC has calculated average percent impervious for 2010 census tracts fore the contiguous US.
- American Community Survey 5-year (2016-2020) ZCTA (SAS, CSV) and variable list
- American Community Survey 5-year (2015-2019) ZCTA (SAS, CSV) and variable list
- American Community Survey 5-year (2010-2014) ZCTA (SAS, CSV) and variable list
Workshop Datasets
- Segregation Measures Philadelphia Neighborhood Level
This dataset includes two types of Index of Concentration at the Extremes and two types of Dissimilarity Index for each Philadelphia Neighborhood using ACS 5-year estimates 2006-2010 and 2015-2019. The dataset exists in a long format, with an indicator for each record’s year.
- Segregation Measures Philadelphia Tract Level
This dataset includes two types of Index of Concentration at the Extremes and the Gini Index for each census tract in Philadelphia using ACS 5-year estimates 2006-2010 and 2015-2019.
- Philadelphia Neighborhoods-DSPH
This dataset includes the spatial boundaries used for the neighborhood level segregation measure.
New resource sheet added to the data portal: Philadelphia Neighborhoods
The UHC has been compiling data for the 46 Philadelphia neighborhoods used in the workshop for various projects. The Philadelphia Neighborhoods Resource Sheet explains how these neighborhoods were selected and discusses other neighborhood definitions used for public health research in Philadelphia
The UHC Research and Data Core is actively working to expand which data from the repository are available; reach out to UHCdata@drexel.edu with any specific requests. All available data will be updated as possible by the UHC Research and Data Core.
UHC Data Portal Updates: April 2023
uhc, March 29, 2023
- New feature added to the UHC Data Portal
In order to help new users, understand what and how to use datasets on the UHC Data Portal, the R&D team developed a new link on the top bar called “Resources.” This page contains resource sheets that will include tips on using some of the data on the UHC Data Portal. Click the link below to have access to the first resource sheet that provides some tips on using the Census and American Community Survey (ACS) dataset series and the difference between decennial census and ACS 5-year aggregate estimates, and much more information.
URL: https://data.uhcdata.org/pages
- New datasets and updated documents.
Last month, the data team had more focus on updating some documentation for the existing datasets in addition to updating datasets. The following list includes both new datasets and updated documentation for existing datasets added to the portal.
New Datasets
- American Community Survey Population Estimates 5-year (2016-2020) by Track 2020 US 2016 to 2020.
- American Community Survey Population Estimates 5-year (2009-2013) by Tract 2010 US 2009 to 2013.
- Monthly average weather by Tract 2010 Philadelphia Metro Area 2005 to 2019.
Updated Documentation
- Updated Variable List for Estimated monthly average daily PM2.5 by Tract 2010 Philadelphia Metro Area 2009 to 2018.
- Updated variable list for estimated monthly 8-hour average Ozone by Tract 2010 Philadelphia Metro Area 2009 to 2018.
- Updated documentation for Vacant Buildings & Land by Tract 2010 Philadelphia 2016 to 2022.
- Updated documentation for Vacant Buildings & Land by Tract 2020 Philadelphia 2022.
- Monthly average weather overview
The weather data includes monthly averages of daily temperature (min, max, mean) and dewpoint temperature, and total monthly precipitation. The tract level data are derived from 4 km gridded data developed by the PRISM Climate Group. This is an improvement over relying on data from a small number of regional weather stations such as airports.
In addition to working on new datasets to be prepared and added to the Data Portal, the data team is also focusing on data requests submitted by email for use in multiple projects. Please contact UHCdata@drexel.edu with any questions or requests for new datasets.
UHC Data Portal Updates: March 2023
uhc, March 3, 2023
- Data Portal New Resources
Last month’s UHC R&D team published a resource sheet with information on the census and American Community Survey (ACS) series to guide users new to these data with information about the Census/ACS and how to use the data. It explains the difference between the decennial censuses and 5-year ACS estimates and answers other commonly occurring questions about these series of datasets. Click the link below to have access to the first resource Sheet.
- New datasets
During the last month in addition to new datasets, data team made updates to some documentations. UHC data team added notes and formulas for each variable created for ACS 2005-2009 through 2017-2021 to the variable list files belonging to each dataset.
The data team has focused on data for the metropolitan Philadelphia area but is also working with nationwide datasets. This month we added tract average percent impervious for the contiguous US 2016 and 2019.
- ACS Population Estimates 5-year aggregate for the following years:
2008-2012, 2017-2021
- ACS 5-year aggregated summary data (2017-2021): American Community Survey Population Estimates 5-year (2017-2021) Tract 2021 US for 2017 to 2021
- Updated Variable List for all ACS files for more information and clarity on the way each variable created (2005-2009 to 2017-2021)
- National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) tract average percent imperviousness for contiguous US (2016, 2019)
The data team is prioritizing working on new datasets to be prepared and added to the Data Portal based on ongoing projects, focusing on datasets that are useful for multiple projects, and data requests submitted via email. If you have any question or to request a new dataset please contact UHCdata@drexel.edu
The Drexel Urban Health Collaborative Research and Data Core
The Core supports work that characterizes health in cities and conducts research on health determinants and the impact of policies. As part of its activities, the Core compiles data on health determinants and outcomes for the Philadelphia region. The Core houses data from over 50 data sources and more than 500,000 records. They are working to transfer some of these data to the portal. To get more information, please contact UHCData@drexel.edu.
Drexel UHC
- 3600 Market Street
- 7th Floor
- Philadelphia PA 19104
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